Male Betta fishes


There are many male pets in many betta fish store. These fishes are ideal for producing eggs and taking further steps in breeding. Unlike any other wild animals or even pet animals, the role of males in these particular species is different and unique.

They play a vital role in every living creature in mating and reproducing manner; also, they are likely to play the leading role in growing their babies, taking care of bubble nests, and ensuring that the eggs are safe and sound.

Food and diet

The food and their diet are pretty simple. As for beginners, these fish are relatively easy to handle and cope with. The only downside is that you need to be careful about their surroundings and environment and keep track of their food and diet.

One small mistake or overeating can lead them straight out of their life. These pet animals are sensitive and very fragile.

Having a beautiful combination of colors, fantastic skin patterns, and glowing and sharp fins and tails comes with giving them proper care and healthy food.

They can eat the following:

l   High protein fish food.

l   Brine shrimp.

l   Daphnia.

l   Tiny fishes.

l   Mosquito larvae.

l   Insects.

l   Worms.

l   Insects larvae.

l   Blood worms.

Out in the wild, there is no worrying concern about how they are going to eat or what they are going to eat, but when taken in the custody of any owner, it is totally up to them to give these animals what they require essential to them.

Male betta fish can quickly eat shrimp, daphnia, and freeze-dried blood worms as they take this sign as a treat.


The lifespan of these animals is considerably less and small compared to other fishes. They can only live up to 2 to 3 years, depending on how much you care for them and what they eat.

If their diet is regular and on time, food is organic, and according to their mean, the environment is clean and subtle, the tank water is pure and clean, the water current is low, and no fish is living with them, they can quickly increase their life expectancy. But that expectancy will only add bonus years of 1 or a maximum of 2.


The body size of male betta fish is the same as that of females. They grow 3 inches large on their maturity peak. The noticeable difference between male and female bettas is that the fins and tail size of males are significantly more extensive and thick than that of females.

The difference when compared to females.

The main difference lies in their nature. As male bettas are dominant and aggressive creatures, one can quickly tell by this property that this one is a guy. Male siamese fighting fish have very wide, long, thick fins and tails.

Talking about their looks, males have slightly brighter and more vibrant colors on all of their bodies. They also have a pretty long membrane of beard when compared to females.

Also, they look tough, swell, and bold like their body.


Always take care of them because they will not stick with you long. They are God-given creatures that need to be treated with respect and love.
