Bettas require more than you think.
for sale are not just fish; they are more than that and
require a lot more than we humans think they do. They are vastly known for
their beautiful colors, bright signs of colors, astonishing display on their
skin, elaborate fin that meets their texture, and much more.
Bettas usually are called Siamese fighting fish. And
they are known by this name just because of male bettas because they tend to be
totally alone and attack whoever invades their personal space.
When they live in the aquarium, they mark their
space as their territory; whoever enters their environment gets this feeling of
threat and danger. Thus, they attack them and even kill them.
Betta housing
The most important thing to consider when purchasing
the betta is the environment. In many different stores, even in pet shops, it
is seen that betta is living in such a confused and small space.
This way of living forces them to hide their
sickness and behavior from everybody. Not even in the worst circumstances,
Bettas should never live in so conjured space, like in the means of bowls,
jars, small tanks, small aquariums, etc.
The tank or aquarium should be at least 5 gallons in
size. This suitable environment is perfect for them and their life as well.
This allows them to live longer and live happily and freely simultaneously.
Tank properties
An empty tank with just water and betta in it sounds
so dull. It makes betta boring and inactive. Like humans, the betta must swim
freely and be active most of the time. It is fun even for humans to decorate
the tank.
The tank comes in different sizes, shapes, and
colors. The more advance and beautiful tank you buy, the better. But remember
that filling a tank with other objects, like plants, rocks, or a room, will
give less space to the betta.
So always go for the quality of living to the betta
instead of the quantity.
Bettas are explorers; they explore everything and
analyze the aftermath. They will love to explore the tank to its bits and
pieces because they love to swim around here and there. Even in one room, a
couple of plants and rocks can be happy.
Also, do not go for that decoration pieces with
sharp edges. It can damage betta fin, eyes, or even skin, leading them to get
injured or die.
Water temperature
The temperature of the water is linked with the quality
of the water. King
betta is that type of betta which has the negligible
effect of water on them, but the rest of bettas are susceptible to the water.
And both of these, combined, play one of the most vital roles in bettas life
and way of living.
The temperature of the water needs to be average for
the betta. The current flow of water in a tank should be kept slow and steady,
just like slow-moving ponds or swamp-like.
Also, make sure to clean the tank after every week
and change the water after every 2 to 3 days. This way, you can exceed the
lifespan of your betta.
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