Bettas require more than you think.
Bettas for sale are not just fish; they are more than that and require a lot more than we humans think they do. They are vastly known for their beautiful colors, bright signs of colors, astonishing display on their skin, elaborate fin that meets their texture, and much more. Bettas usually are called Siamese fighting fish. And they are known by this name just because of male bettas because they tend to be totally alone and attack whoever invades their personal space. When they live in the aquarium, they mark their space as their territory; whoever enters their environment gets this feeling of threat and danger. Thus, they attack them and even kill them. Betta housing The most important thing to consider when purchasing the betta is the environment. In many different stores, even in pet shops, it is seen that betta is living in such a confused and small space. This way of living forces them to hide their sickness and behavior from everybody. Not even in the worst circumstan...